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How to Find a Temporary Employment Agency in Marseille

How to Find a Temporary Employment Agency in Marseille

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Agence intérim à Marseille, one of the largest in Europe and a leader in Mediterranean trade, is a driving force behind the city’s economy. The city’s service sector, tourism, and culture also provide significant employment opportunities.

Temporary workers can earn more than a permanent employee for the same role, within certain limits. In addition, they can work for several agencies as long as they don’t exceed the legal maximum of hours per week. Part-time employees can also be asked to work overtime, which comes with extra pay.

Agence d’Intérim à Marseille : Recrutement Temporaire

A Learner contract — sometimes called a temporary apprenticeship contract — is an opportunity for young people and job seekers aged 16-25 or over to learn a profession through on-the-job training and theory-based classes. It’s an alternative to a degree program and allows candidates to earn a recognised professional certificate.

Another option for temp workers is a contract for employability purposes (“contrat de travail à temps partagé aux fins d’employabilité” in French). Created in 2018, it is intended to help people with barriers to employment find roles. It’s similar to an open-ended job share contract but is aimed at strengthening professional inclusion.

In France, anyone with a valid residence permit can set up their own company. However, several formalities need to be followed, especially in terms of taxes and the acquisition of commercial premises. If you are thinking of starting a business in Marseille, make sure to seek advice from the relevant authorities.

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