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How a LifetimRadon Radon Mitigation System Works

How a LifetimRadon Radon Mitigation System Works

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radon mitigation system  LifetimRadon

Radon mitigation systems can be very effective in reducing the amount of radon in a home. The most effective method is known as sub-membrane depressurization, which requires proper installation from a qualified radon contractor. This method uses a reinforced plastic liner over an earth floor and a combination of a vent pipe and fan to draw radon out of the area under the liner. Click Here – radon mitigation system | LifetimRadon

Many Different Types Of Radon Mitigation Systems Available

There are many different types of radon mitigation systems available, and many are designed for different types of foundations. The best way to determine which system will work best for your home is to do an independent measurement of the level of radon in your home. LifetimRadon is one of the most effective radon mitigation systems available.

Passive radon mitigation systems are relatively inexpensive. The specialized fans in these units pull radon from indoor air and move it outdoors. They also provide a way for fresh air to enter the home without causing an energy penalty. In addition, if your home has an older concrete slab, you may want to consider an active system. These fans cost about $300 to $400.

While radon mitigation systems are usually self-sufficient, they may require periodic maintenance to keep them functioning properly. Typically, you’ll need to replace the fans in your system once every 5 years. To make sure that your system is working properly, make sure to perform periodic tests. You can also have your contractor conduct diagnostic tests based on details about your house and their experience.

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